
10th – 15th September 2019

On Tuesday 10th Sep the ladies played Grandmothers Trophy (Anne Beveridge)Stableford Division 1 going to Kerry Conrad with 38 pts followed by Sandra Williams 36. Janyce Brown was the DIVISION 2 winner with 38 pts Marie McLennan was runner up with 36. Division 3 was won by Anne Brown with 36 pts followed by  Robyn…
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September 17, 2019 0

3rd – 8th September 2019

On Tuesday 3rd the Ladies played Monthly Medal Stroke – Putting Gross. Division 1 went to Helen Crilly who had who was the Gross and Grade winner with 85/73, Runner up was Shellei Clark with 75. Division 2 Gross and Monthly Medal was Jenni Corcoran with 90/65, Runner up was Robyn Benbow with 76. NTPs…
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September 10, 2019 0

27th August – 1st September 2019

On Tuesday 27th the ladies played Ambrose 4 person drop out Min 4 Drives with the win going to Sharon Pyle, Jean Somerville, Sue Lawson, Jo Boake with 64. Runners up were Lindy Cooper, Helen Commadeur, Pauline Wilson, Julie Lambert with 66. NTPs went to Marie McLennan 2nd, Lindy Cooper 17th. Wednesday 28th saw members…
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September 9, 2019 0

20th – 25th August 2019

Tuesday August 20th saw 41 ladies playing every ones game of Par with Division 1 going to Janyce Brown with sq on c/back from Shellei Clark.Division 2 was won by Barbara Clark who had 6 up followed by Mary Murdoch with 1up. NTPs went to Petra Wilmot 2nd, Helen Crilly 8th. Pro Pin went to…
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August 27, 2019 0

13th – 18th August 2019

Tuesday 13th August saw 38 ladies playing Stableford that saw Jill Collins winning Division 1 with 38 pts followed by Kerry Conrad 34. Division 2 was won by Barbara Clark with 35 pts. Runner up was Marry Murdoch 33. NTP 14th went to Robyn Taverns,  NTP 18th went to Rhonda Constable, Eagles Nest went to…
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August 19, 2019 0

6th – 11th August 2019

On 6th August 38 ladies played Stroke,Monthly Medal, Putting and best gross. with Division 1 gross winner going to Bobette Wilkinson 86, Jo Boake was the Grade winner with 74, Runner up went to Rhonda Constable 75.. Division 2 Gross winner was Gayle Blakey who had 104,Barbara Clarke was the Grade and MONTHLY MEDAL WINNER…
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August 13, 2019 0

30th July – 4th August 2019

30th July saw 39 ladies playing Stableford with Division 1 going to Helen Crilly with 36 pts. Runner up was Bobette Wilkinson with 33 pts. Maree Doyle was the DIVISION 2 winner with 35 pts. followed by Anne Freestone with 30 pts. NTP’s went to Rhonda Constable 2nd, Jill Collins was the 14th, Pro Pin…
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August 12, 2019 0

25th July – 28th July 2019

10 ladies played Stableford on Thursday that saw Carol Irvine the winner with 33 followed by Jennie Hehir with 31.NTP went to N. Stacy. Men’s Stableford Results Were Division 1 winner was Stewart Crawford with 35 pts. followed by Michael Keen who had 35. Bennie Benbow was the Division 2 winner with 36 pts on count…
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July 29, 2019 0

9th – 13th July 2019

On Tuesday 9th the Ladies played 4 BBB Stableford with the winning pair being Barbara Clark and Jenni Corcoran with 43 pts. In second place was Nola Whiteford and Margaret Varley 39 pts NTP’s went to Carmel Butcher 2nd, Susan Papas 17th. Pro pin was split between Di Mitchell and Rhonda Constable. Wednesday 10th saw…
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July 15, 2019 0

2nd – 7th July 2019

On Tuesday 2nd we had 35 ladies playing Stroke – Monthly Medal & Gross – 4th Round Silver Spoon with Division 1 going to Bobette Wilkinson taking the Gross Win with 85. Susan Pappas was the Grade and Monthly Medal winner with 72. Runner up went to Julie O’Brien with 72. Division 2 Gross winner…
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July 10, 2019 0