
19th – 24th November 2019

Last Sunday 4BBB Stroke was played with incorrect scores.: The correct scores were as follows: The winning pair were John Bradbury and Shane Halloran with 61.. Runners up were Graeme Fillippe and Vern Christensen who had 63….. Tuesday 19 saw 50 ladies playing Par that saw Lynne Parry winning Division 1 with a great score…
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November 26, 2019 0

12th – 17th November 2019

On 12th November 53 Ladies played STBFD Monthly Medal with Division 1 going to Anne Beveridge with 37 pts..Runner up was Marie McLennan with 35. Division 2 was won by Jillian Allen with 39 pts who also won the Monthly Medal as well..Runner up went to Kathleen Williams who had 38..Division 3 was won by…
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November 19, 2019 0

6th – 10th November 2019

6th  November saw 9 ladies playing Stableford with  Cheryl Hart who had 35 pts..NTP went to Cheryl Hart also..  Melbourne Cup Day On 5th November had a teams event with J. And C Irvine Irvine B Clements and S Williams taking the win with 89 pts.We had 65  members playing  Mens Stableford with Division 1Going…
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November 15, 2019 0

29th October – 3rd November 2019

On the 29th October the ladies played Stableford – Presidents vs Captains Day with Division 1 going to Maxine Sadler with 37 pts followed by Lindy Cooper with 35.. Kerri972 was the DIVISION 2 winner with 38 pts Runner up went to Margaret Varley who had 37..Carmel Butcher was the DIVISION 3 winner with 35…
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November 15, 2019 0

22nd – 27th October 2019

On 22 October the ladies had a guest day Playing 4BBB Stableford that saw Robyn Conrick and Tina Bell taking the win with 46 pts on c/back from Beverley Campbell and Barbara Clark NTP,s went to Margaret Varley 2nd, Denise Huy 8th.. Pro win of $37.o.o went to Barbara Clark… Wednesday 23rd saw 90 men…
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November 15, 2019 0

15th – 20th October 2019

On 15th October the ladies played Irish 4 Ball 3 best scores to count that saw Di Mitchell,Marie McLennan,Linda Forsyth and Yvonne Searle taking the win with 114 pts followed by Cherryl Rosborough , Sharon Pyle, Susan Pappas and Margaret Anderson with 111 pts.. NTP,s went to Noelene Duncomb 2nd, Sharon Pyle 2nd,, Jean Somerville…
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November 15, 2019 0

8th – 13th October 2019

On 8 October we had 41 ladies playing Stroke – Monthly Medal & Star Medal that saw Division 1 Gross going to Bobette Wilkinson with 87..Grade winner was Gale Byers with 75..Runner up went to Jo Boake 75. Division 2 Gross Winner went to Jan Taylor 105, Grade winner was Wendy Daley 74, Runner up…
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October 16, 2019 0

1st – 6th October 2019

On Sunday 1st we had 49 Ladies playing Stableford with Jean Somerville taking out Division 1 with 36pts. Runner up went to Susan Davies who had 34. Division 2 went to Libby Quick who had 37 on count back  from Mary Murdoch. NTPs went to Glennis Polner 8th, Gale Tyers 14th, Sharon Pyle Pro Pin…
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October 8, 2019 0

25th – 29th September 2019

On 25th September the members played 2P Aggregate Stableford (individual scores added together) with John Crilly and Neil Bull taking the win with 75 second place went to China Brien and Bill Gerrard with 74  Philip Lovelace and Vince Gallo were 3rd on c/back 74.. FRIDAY WAS the start of our Spring Tournament  that saw…
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October 1, 2019 0

20th – 22nd September 2019

Tuesday 19th we had the Ladies Foursomes Championships that saw the Gross Win going to Rhonda Constable and Sue Papas with 91/48 139..Gross Runners up were Kerri McKenna and Lynne Parry with 94/45 139 c/back. Nett Winners were Maree Doyle and  Libby Quick with 156 h/cap 33 nett 111.75. Nett Runners up were Di Mitchell…
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September 23, 2019 0