
20th – 25th November 2018

On Tuesday 20th 54 ladies played Par with Division 1 going to Pamela Richardson 4 up followed by Cheryl Hart with 2 up. Jillian Allen was the Division 2 winner with 2 up runner up went to Denise Huy 1 up. Division 3 was won by Yvonne Searle 5 up followed by Glenys Pohlner with…
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November 27, 2018 0

13th – 11th November 2018

Tuesday 13th was Monthly Medal – Stableford for 47 ladies that saw Bobette Wilkinson taking the Division 1 medal with 40 pts. Runner up was Gale Tyers 38 pts. Division 2 Medal winner was Megan Carr with 42 pts followed by Margaret Varley 39. NTP’s went to Pamela Richardson 14th, Nat Beard 18th Pro Pin…
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November 20, 2018 0

6th – 11th November 2018

Cup Day saw 30 Ladies and 27 Men playing Stableford in the rain with ladies’ win going to Clare Perston who had 31 pts on countback from Helen Crilly. Division 2 went to Nannette Mullins with 36 pts followed by Susan Davies 34. Robin DeClifford (Kew GC) was the Division 3 winner with 40 pts…
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November 13, 2018 0

30th October – 4th November 2018

Tuesday 30th saw 60 ladies playing an Invitation – Fun Day with the winning pair being Denise Baldwin and Glenys Pohlner taking the win with 57. In 2nd place was Jennie Hehir and Penelope who had 52. Pro pin went to Joan Burns $45. NTP went to Carol Irvine 8th. Wednesday saw 84 men playing…
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November 6, 2018 0

23rd – 28th October 2018

On Tuesday 23rd the Ladies played 4 Person Drop out Ambrose that saw Faye Miller, Jo Boake, Jennie Hehir, Sue Lawson taking the win with 64 on count back from Carol Irvine, Judy Foreshew, Bev Richard, Mary McLean. Wednesday 24th saw 78 men playing Stableford from the white markers that saw Division 1 going to…
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October 29, 2018 0

16th – 21st October 2018

Tuesday 16th was Ladies Stableford – Caps vs Pres Day that saw Anne Beveridge taking the win with 41 pts. NTP’s went to Petra Wilmot 2nd, Sandra Williams 8th, Joan Burns Pro Pin $20. Mens Par was from the Blue Markers on 17th with Division 1 going to Vern Christensen (Boona GC) with 2 up…
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October 22, 2018 0

9th – 14th October 2018

Tuesday 9th saw 48 ladies playing Stroke Star Medal with Division 1 going to Bev Richard with nett 70 which also gave her the Star Medal Runner up went to Sandra Williams with 72. Helen Commadeur was the Division 2 winner with 65 nett followed by Margaret Varley who had 70. NTP’s went to Jo…
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October 18, 2018 0

11th – 19th September 2018

Tuesday 11th was Ladies  Pink Day and Mens Pink Day. There was 49 ladies taking part with Division 1 won by Kerry Conrad with 38pts followed by Jillian Collins 37. Janine Taylor was the Division 2 winner with 38pts on count back from Faye Miller. Division 3 was won by Denise Baldwin with 44pts runner…
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October 18, 2018 0

18th – 23rd September 2018

On Tuesday 18 the ladies played in the TGBC N & V Wilson Foursomes Championships that  saw Lynne Parry and Kerri McKenna the Gross Winners with 138. Nett Winners were Jill Allen and Anne Freestone with 106.. Runners up were Cheryl Rossborough and Pauline Gilbee with 107.5.. NTP’s went to Wendy Bedford 14th, Jo Boake…
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September 26, 2018 0

11th – 19th September 2018

Tuesday 11th was Ladies Pink Day and Mens Pink Day. There were 49 ladies taking part with Division 1 won by Kerry Conrad with 38 pts followed by Jillian Collins 37. Janine Taylor was the Division 2 winner with 38 pts on c/back from Faye Miller. Division 3 was won by Denise Baldwin with 44…
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September 17, 2018 0